Active parts of the navigation cube are highlighted so that user can recognize which part is active. This should be a positive number between [0,2]. If the value is less than 1 active area is darker. If the value is greater than 1 active area is lighter. Default value is 1.2.
Maximum size of the cube when scaling the view. Default is 200px
Minimum size of the cube when scaling the view. Default is 50px
Navigation cube has two transparency states. One is when user hovers over the cube and the second when the cursor is anywhere else. This is for the non-hovering shate and it should be a positive number between [0,1]. If the value is less than 1 cube will be semitransparent when user is not hovering over. Default value is 0.3.
It is possible to place navigation cube to any of the corners of the canvas using this property. Default value is cube.BOTTOM_RIGHT. Allowed values are cube.BOTTOM_RIGHT, cube.BOTTOM_LEFT, cube.TOP_RIGHT and cube.TOP_LEFT.
Size of the cube relative to the size of viewer canvas. This has to be a positive number between [0,1] Default value is 0.15.
True north correction to be applied to navigation cube both for visualization and for navigation. Value should be in degrees. Default is 0.
This is constructor of the Navigation Cube plugin for xBIM Viewer. It gets optional Image as an argument. The image will be used as a texture of the navigation cube. If you don't specify eny image default one will be used. Image has to be square and its size has to be power of 2.
This is a plugin for Viewer which renders interactive navigation cube. It is customizable in terms of alpha behaviour and its position on the viewer canvas. Use of plugin:
var cube = new NavigationCube();
You can specify your own texture of the cube as an Image object argumen in constructor. If you don't specify any image default texture will be used (you can also use this one and enhance it if you want):
image: HTMLCanvasElement | ImageData | HTMLImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | ImageBitmapSet this to true to stop rendering of this plugin
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Navigation cube has two transparency states. One is when user hovers over the cube and the second when the cursor is anywhere else. This is for the hovering shate and it should be a positive number between [0,1]. If the value is less than 1 cube will be semitransparent when user hovers over. Default value is 1.0.